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Awarding Ceremony

  The Awards Ceremony for the 13th Scholarly Monograph Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences was held on December 10 on the first floor of the Tsai Yuan-Pei Memorial Hall (Faculty Club), Academia Sinica. This year, five English books were selected for the award, covering topics such as history, sociology, philosophy, and Chinese literature. It was our great pleasure to recognize this year’s award winners, whose thought-provoking books explored a vast range of ideas and challenged preexisting theoretical frameworks.

  The Scholarly Monograph Award was established to encourage monograph publication in the humanities and social sciences that allows scholars to share their findings with the public and enrich society. Honoring the finest examples of scholarship, the Award recognizes books that demonstrate outstanding research and ground-breaking insights. Through the years, award-winning books have received high recognition from scholars in Taiwan and abroad.

  During the ceremony, each awardee was given a medal and a prize of NT$600,000, with all five awardees making brief presentations about their prize-winning books. The ceremony was hosted by Academia Sinica President James C. Liao.

  The five awardees and their award-winning books are as follows:

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Wu, Yi-Jui
Associate Professor (Cross College Elite Program, National Cheng Kung University)
Monograph: Mad by the Millions: Mental Disorders and the Early Years of the World Health Organization, 2021, Cambridge, USA: The MIT Press.

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Wu, Chia-Ling
Professor (Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University)
Monograph: Making Multiple Babies: Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction, 2023, New York, USA: Berghahn.

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Keng, Ching
Associate Professor (Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University)
Monograph: Toward a New Image of Paramārtha: Yogācāra and Tathāgatagarbha Buddhism Revisited, 2023, London, New York, Dublin: Bloomsbury Publishing.

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Chen, Yun-Ju
Associate Research Fellow (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
Monograph: Good Formulas: Empirical Evidence in Mid-Imperial Chinese Medical Texts, 2023, Seattle, USA: University of Washington Press.

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Raft, Zeb
Associate Research Fellow (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)
Monograph: The Threshold: The Rhetoric of Historiography in Early Medieval China, 2023, Cambridge, USA: Harvard University Asia Center.

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