GCS | 關鍵突破種子計畫
關鍵突破 關鍵種子

Project Description

The Academia Sinica Grand Challenge Program Seed Grant has been established to identify and foster early-stage research for key breakthrough research projects, which are relatively small in scale and relatively short in duration. An open call for grant applications are planned twice a year to maintain flexibility in changes in the current situation and needs of cutting-edge technology development.

Information on Applications for 2024 (1st Round) will be announced
in March 2023.

Information on Applications for 2024 (1st Round)

For the “2024 1st Round Seed Grant for Grand Challenge Program”, applicants are required to submit their full proposal before March, 2024. No late applications will be considered. The instructions are as follows:

  • The procedures are in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Grand Challenge Program.”
  • The duration of the program is one to two years in principle, and there are two application categories:
    • Individual Research Projects
    • Team Research Projects
  • All Project PIs and Co-PIs must sign the Project Execution Agreement before the project commences.
  • For details, please read the description for the Email application and the attachments, Within the deadline. to the Grant Office: grandchallenge@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Individual Research Projects

Individual Research Projects

Team Research Project

Project Period

1-2 Years


Academia Sinica provides 100% of total funding.
Up to 20M NTD per year


Assistant Research Fellows
Associate Research Fellows
Research Fellows
Distinguished Research Fellows
AS jointly-appointed Research Fellows







Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Grand Challenge Program Downloads for Application
Funding Opportunity Announcement download PDF  Review Criteria download PDF  Project Proposal download WORD download PDF  
Downloads for Project Execution
Project Execution Agreement download word download PDF  Project Progress Report download WORD download PDF  Project Final Report download WORD download PDF

Pass Rate Table



GCS Grant Office contact information:
E-mail: grandchallenge@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service
Ms. Chen, 886-2-2789-2612