CDA | 前瞻計畫

Award Description

The Academia Sinica Career Development Award (CDA) has been established to recruit and encourage young scholars with excellent research records and outstanding scholarly potential to engage in innovative and internationally-competitive research projects, thereby cultivating and promoting world-class academic talent. This award is made on a referral basis; direct applications are not accepted. For the procedure, referring units shall follow the “Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Career Development Award.”

Information on Referrals for 2026

For the “2026 Career Development Award,” referred candidates are required to submit a Letter of Intent before March 31, 2025, and to apply online by April 30. Late applications are not considered. The instructions are as follows.

  • The procedures are in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Career Development Award.”
  • For this year’s referrals, the results will be announced in November of this year, and the approved projects will commence from January 2026 after the official budget is approved. All Project PIs must sign the Project
    Execution Agreement before the project commences.
  • Approval from the relevant AS units must be obtained before commencing any research projects involving biological and/or genetically engineered materials, animal experiments or human subjects. If the approved documentation is not available at the time of application, proof that it is being reviewed will be accepted provisionally. However, the approved documentation must be provided before the project commences.
  • For details, please read the description for the application and the attachments within the deadline.
    Email to the Grant Office: cda@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Project Types and Categories

Individual Research Projects

Team Research Projects
Institute/Research Center-based Team Research Projects

Project Period

4+1 Years


Academia Sinica and the home Institute (Preparatory Office) or Research Center should provide 50% of total funding respectively.
Up to 5M NTD per year


Full-time Assistant Research Fellows
Non-tenured Associate Research Fellows

Research Fellows 
Distinguished Research Fellows







Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Career Development Award Downloads for Application
Funding Opportunity Announcement download PDF  Project Proposal download WORD download PDF  Letter of Referral download WORD download PDF
Review Criteria download PDF  Review Information and Timeline download PDF
Downloads for Project Execution
Project Execution Agreement download PDF  Project Progress Report download WORD download PDF  Project Final Report download WORD download PDF

Review Information

Review Schedule:

Applications will be accepted starting in early March. Applicants must submit a Letter of Intent (including a list of recommended reviewers) in early April. The application deadline is in early May. The first round of review takes place from June to August. The second round of review takes place from August to September. Applicants will receive the final results of the review in late October, and selected projects will commence in January of the following year.

Review Procedures: Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences

The review for projects in the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences is divided into four sub-fields: Physical Sciences, Astronomy, Earth Sciences, and Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistical Science.
The review process consists of two stages:

  • First Round Peer Review:
    The review is conducted mainly by external experts. Each proposal is scored based on the content of the proposal and the past performance of the Project PI(s).
  • Second Round Panel Review:
    Each sub-field panel consists of 2-5 senior experts (primarily individuals working outside of Taiwan). Taking into consideration the comments from the first round of review and the review criteria of each type of proposal, each panelist reviews 3-6 applications, which are discussed on a case-by-case basis via video conferencing and ranked by sub-field.
Review Procedures: Division of Life Sciences

The review for projects in the Division of Life Sciences consists of two stages.

  • First Round Peer Review:
    Each application is reviewed by three experts (primarily international).
  • Second Round Panel Review:
    The applications are divided into sub-fields based on their content. Experts of each sub-field constitute a review panel. Each application is reviewed by up to two panelists and each panelist reviews 7-8 applications. Keeping in mind the comments from the first round of review, each panelist provides their own written report and then all applications are discussed on a case-by-case basis via video conferencing. All applications are scored and ranked by all panelists.
Review Procedures: Division of Humanities and Social Sciences

The review for projects in the Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences consists of three stages.

  • Pre-review: The Humanities and Social Sciences Vice President and a Deputy Executive Secretary of the Central Academic Advisory Committee invite internal and external experts to constitute a review panel. Those selected for the panel are experts of sub-fields in line with the applications received for the year. The list of reviewers for each application is jointly decided at this stage.
  • First Round Peer Review:
    Each application is reviewed by three experts (domestic and international), who will provide written comments.
  • Second Round Panel Review:
    The panelists review all applications keeping in mind the comments from the first round of review to determine a recommended list of projects.

Review Criteria – Summary
  • How significant is the specific problem to be addressed?
  • To what extent is the idea innovative?
  • What is the extent of anticipated impact?
  • How feasible is the Research Plan and proposed approach?
  • Do the applicants have relevant expertise? Are they committed?
  • Is the proposed project internationally competitive?
Academia Sinica Rules on Conflict of Interest and
Confidentiality for Reviewers

In any of the circumstances listed below, a panelist or reviewer must decline to review an application.

  • A panelist or reviewer has, or has had, a personal relationship with the applicant.
  • A panelist or reviewer was a doctoral thesis supervisor of the applicant, or has supervised the applicant as a postdoctoral fellow.
  • A panelist or reviewer has published in collaboration with the applicant within the last five years, especially as a primary co-author.
  • A panelist or reviewer is involved in any situation they consider to be a conflict of interest with the applicant.

To ensure the confidentiality of the review process, Academia Sinica will provide the final results of the review to the applicants. Each panelist or reviewer agrees not to disclose to others information associated with the review, including discussions and results arising from the review meetings, without prior authorization by Academia Sinica.

Pass Rate Table



E-mail: cda@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service
Ms. Tseng (Tel: 2789-9386, chincheng@gate.sinica.edu.tw)
for Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Ms. Hsu (Tel: 2789-9351, cphsu@gate.sinica.edu.tw)
for Division of Life Sciences
Ms. Chao (Tel: 2789-8067, bchao@gate.sinica.edu.tw)
for Division of Humanities and Social Sciences